So our little guy is back home once again. We have follow up appointment with Drs. and GI specialists in the weeks to come. In the meanwhile, we try to help Noah through his retching and give the Neocate trial a run for its money (no pun intended). Jared and I came up with an idea to tote around the pump and bag. Jared created the little blue suitcase complete with diaper bag storage and emergency g-tube kit pockets. Works well even in the car, baths, sleeping etc. Noah is still awake for a few hours at night whimpering and retching so that remains very tiring for all 3 of us. You would think he'd make up for the lack of sleep at night by napping more in the day but that isn't the case. However, I take whatever napping he gives and sleep him more like a 3 month old than an 8 month old!
The plan: have a simple life with our Noah. Take baby steps. Ask for help. Do everything in small chunks. Enjoy family and friends (Grandma and Grandpa D. are coming to visit in a few weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The little blue suitcase - aka bluey!

Green Avocado Monster!!! Not a bite went in his mouth but doesn't he wear green well?

Our fun place to play and read stories.

Noah's probably wondering how he got suck with these two crazy parents!

Kijiji is great for used toys!

The little car that could!

Noah loves this margarine container - or maybe his parents do?

Noah and his buddy J enjoying some beach fun - such pals!

Noah splashing around at Miss Jen's birthday party - this was in between our last admissions.
See you around!